The Coding Way



Instance of minecraft-data used by the bot. Pass this to constructors that expect an instance of minecraft-data, such as prismarine-block.

A sync representation of the world. Check the doc at (opens in a new tab)

world "blockUpdate" (oldBlock, newBlock)

Fires when a block updates. Both oldBlock and newBlock provided for comparison. oldBlock may be null with normal block updates.

world "blockUpdate:(x, y, z)" (oldBlock, newBlock)

Fires for a specific point. Both oldBlock and newBlock provided for comparison. All listeners receive null for oldBlock and newBlock and get automatically removed when the world is unloaded. oldBlock may be null with normal block updates.


Your own entity. See Entity.


All nearby entities. This object is a map of entityId to entity.


Use this to find out your own name.


Coordinates to the main spawn point, where all compasses point to.


The item in the bot's hand, represented as a prismarine-item (opens in a new tab) instance specified with arbitrary metadata, nbtdata, etc.


Whether the bot is using the item that it's holding, for example eating food or using a shield.

The bot's current dimension, such as overworld, the_end or the_nether.

minimum y of the world

world height


Enable physics, default true.


Bot's player object

  username: 'player',
  displayName: { toString: Function }, // ChatMessage object.
  gamemode: 0,
  ping: 28,
  entity: entity // null if you are too far away

A player's ping starts at 0, you might have to wait a bit for the server to send their actual ping.


Map of username to people playing the game.


bot's tablist object has two keys, header and footer.

  header: { toString: Function }, // ChatMessage object.
  footer: { toString: Function } // ChatMessage object.



A number indicating the current rain level. When it isn't raining, this will be equal to 0. When it starts to rain, this value will increase gradually up to 1. When it stops raining, this value gradually decreases back to 0.

Each time bot.rainState is changed, the "weatherUpdate" event is emitted.


A number indicating the current thunder level. When there isn't a thunderstorm, this will be equal to 0. When a thunderstorm starts, this value will increase gradually up to 1. When the thunderstorm stops, this value gradually decreases back to 0.

Each time bot.thunderState is changed, the "weatherUpdate" event is emitted.

This is the same as bot.rainState, but for thunderstorms. For thunderstorms, both bot.rainState and bot.thunderState will change.


This is an array of pattern objects, of the following format: { /regex/, "chattype", "description")

  • /regex/ - a regular expression pattern, that should have at least two capture groups
  • 'chattype' - the type of chat the pattern matches, ex "chat" or "whisper", but can be anything.
  • 'description' - description of what the pattern is for, optional.


  • enabled (default)
  • commandsOnly
  • disabled


Default true, whether or not you receive color codes in chats from the server.


Can be a string listed below or a postive number. Choices:

  • far (default)
  • normal
  • short
  • tiny


Same as from


These boolean Settings control if extra Skin Details on the own players' skin should be visible

bot.settings.skinParts.showCape - boolean

If you have a cape you can turn it off by setting this to false.

bot.settings.skinParts.showJacket - boolean
bot.settings.skinParts.showLeftSleeve - boolean
bot.settings.skinParts.showRightSleeve - boolean
bot.settings.skinParts.showLeftPants - boolean
bot.settings.skinParts.showRightPants - boolean
bot.settings.skinParts.showHat - boolean

bot.settings.enableTextFiltering - boolean

Unused, defaults to false in Notchian (Vanilla) client.

bot.settings.enableServerListing - boolean

This setting is sent to the server to determine whether the player should show up in server listings



Total experience points.


Between 0 and 1 - amount to get to the next level.

Number in the range [0, 20] representing the number of half-hearts.

Number in the range [0, 20] representing the number of half-turkey-legs.


Food saturation acts as a food "overcharge". Food values will not decrease while the saturation is over zero. Players logging in automatically get a saturation of 5.0. Eating food increases the saturation as well as the food bar.


Number in the range [0, 20] respresenting the number of water-icons known as oxygen level.


Edit these numbers to tweak gravity, jump speed, terminal velocity, etc. Do this at your own risk.


How many physics ticks worth of firework rocket boost are left.

bot.simpleClick.leftMouse (slot)

abstraction over bot.clickWindow(slot, 0, 0)

bot.simpleClick.rightMouse (slot)

abstraction over bot.clickWindow(slot, 1, 0)


Whether or not the gamerule doDaylightCycle is true or false.


The total number of ticks since day 0.

This value is of type BigInt and is accurate even at very large values. (more than 2^51 - 1 ticks)


The total numbers of ticks since day 0.

Because the Number limit of Javascript is at 2^51 - 1 bot.time.time becomes inaccurate higher than this limit and the use of bot.time.bigTime is recommended. Realistically though you'll probably never need to use bot.time.bigTime as it will only reach 2^51 - 1 ticks naturally after ~14280821 real years.


Time of the day, in ticks.

Time is based on ticks, where 20 ticks happen every second. There are 24000 ticks in a day, making Minecraft days exactly 20 minutes long.

The time of day is based on the timestamp modulo 24000. 0 is sunrise, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is midnight.

Day of the world.


Whether it is day or not.

Based on whether the current time of day is between 13000 and 23000 ticks.


Phase of the moon.

0-7 where 0 is full moon.


Age of the world, in ticks.

This value is of type BigInt and is accurate even at very large values. (more than 2^51 - 1 ticks)


Age of the world, in ticks.

Because the Number limit of Javascript is at 2^51 - 1 bot.time.age becomes inaccurate higher than this limit and the use of bot.time.bigAge is recommended. Realistically though you'll probably never need to use bot.time.bigAge as it will only reach 2^51 - 1 ticks naturally after ~14280821 real years.


Which quick bar slot is selected (0 - 8).


A Window (opens in a new tab) instance representing your inventory.


The block that you are currently digging, or null.


Boolean, whether or not you are in bed.


All scoreboards known to the bot in an object scoreboard name -> scoreboard.


All scoreboards known to the bot in an object scoreboard displaySlot -> scoreboard.

  • belowName - scoreboard placed in belowName
  • sidebar - scoreboard placed in sidebar
  • list - scoreboard placed in list
  • 0-18 - slots defined in protocol (opens in a new tab)


All teams known to the bot


Mapping of member to team. Uses usernames for players and UUIDs for entities.


An object whose keys are the main control states: ['forward', 'back', 'left', 'right', 'jump', 'sprint', 'sneak'].

Setting values for this object internally calls bot.setControlState.


"chat" (username, message, translate, jsonMsg, matches)

Only emitted when a player chats publicly.

  • username - who said the message (compare with bot.username to ignore your own chat)
  • message - stripped of all color and control characters
  • translate - chat message type. Null for most bukkit chat messages
  • jsonMsg - unmodified JSON message from the server
  • matches - array of returned matches from regular expressions. May be null

"whisper" (username, message, translate, jsonMsg, matches)

Only emitted when a player chats to you privately.

  • username - who said the message
  • message - stripped of all color and control characters
  • translate - chat message type. Null for most bukkit chat messages
  • jsonMsg - unmodified JSON message from the server
  • matches - array of returned matches from regular expressions. May be null

"actionBar" (jsonMsg, verified)

Emitted for every server message which appears on the Action Bar.

  • jsonMsg - unmodified JSON message from the server
  • verified -> null if non signed, true if signed and correct, false if signed and incorrect

"message" (jsonMsg, position, sender, verified)

Emitted for every server message, including chats.

  • jsonMsg - ChatMessage (opens in a new tab) object containing the formatted chat message. Might additionally have the following properties:

    • unsigned - Unsigned ChatMessage object. Only present in 1.19.2+, and only when the server allows insecure chat and the server modified the chat message without the user's signature
  • position - (>= 1.8.1): position of Chat message can be

    • chat
    • system
    • game_info
  • sender - UUID of sender if known (1.16+), else null

  • verified -> null if non signed, true if signed and correct, false if signed and incorrect

"messagestr" (message, messagePosition, jsonMsg, sender, verified)

Alias for the "message" event but it calls .toString() on the prismarine-message object to get a string for the message before emitting.

  • sender - UUID of sender if known (1.16+), else null
  • verified -> null if non signed, true if signed and correct, false if signed and incorrect


Fires when the index file has been loaded, you can load mcData and plugins here but it's better to wait for "spawn" event.


Fires after you successfully login to the server. You probably want to wait for the spawn event before doing anything though.


Emitted once after you log in and spawn for the first time and then emitted when you respawn after death.

This is usually the event that you want to listen to before doing anything on the server.


Emitted when you change dimensions and just before you spawn. Usually you want to ignore this event and wait until the "spawn" event instead.


Emitted when the server changes any of the game properties.

"resourcePack" (url, hash)

Emitted when the server sends a resource pack.


Emitted when the server sends a title

  • text - title's text


Emitted when it starts or stops raining. If you join a server where it is already raining, this event will fire.


Emitted when either bot.thunderState or bot.rainState changes. If you join a server where it is already raining, this event will fire.


Emitted when the server sends a time update. See bot.time.

"kicked" (reason, loggedIn)

Emitted when the bot is kicked from the server. reason is a chat message explaining why you were kicked. loggedIn is true if the client was kicked after successfully logging in, or false if the kick occurred in the login phase.

"end" (reason)

Emitted when you are no longer connected to the server. reason is a string explaining why the client was disconnected. (defaults to 'socketClosed')

"error" (err)

Emitted when an error occurs.


Fires when you cannot spawn in your bed and your spawn point gets reset.


Fires when you die.


Fires when your hp or food change.


Fires when your oxygen level change.

"entityAttributes" (entity)

Fires when an attribute of an entity changes.

"entitySwingArm" (entity)

"entityHurt" (entity)

"entityDead" (entity)

"entityTaming" (entity)

"entityTamed" (entity)

"entityShakingOffWater" (entity)

"entityEatingGrass" (entity)

"entityHandSwap" (entity)

"entityWake" (entity)

"entityEat" (entity)

"entityCriticalEffect" (entity)

"entityMagicCriticalEffect" (entity)

"entityCrouch" (entity)

"entityUncrouch" (entity)

"entityEquip" (entity)

"entitySleep" (entity)

"entitySpawn" (entity)

"entityElytraFlew" (entity)

An entity started elytra flying.

"itemDrop" (entity)

"playerCollect" (collector, collected)

An entity picked up an item.

  • collector - entity that picked up the item.
  • collected - the entity that was the item on the ground.

"entityGone" (entity)

"entityMoved" (entity)

"entityDetach" (entity, vehicle)

"entityAttach" (entity, vehicle)

An entity is attached to a vehicle, such as a mine cart or boat.

  • entity - the entity hitching a ride
  • vehicle - the entity that is the vehicle

"entityUpdate" (entity)

"entityEffect" (entity, effect)

"entityEffectEnd" (entity, effect)

"playerJoined" (player)

"playerUpdated" (player)

"playerLeft" (player)

"blockUpdate" (oldBlock, newBlock)

(It is better to use this event from instead of bot directly) Fires when a block updates. Both oldBlock and newBlock provided for comparison.

Note that oldBlock may be null.

"blockUpdate:(x, y, z)" (oldBlock, newBlock)

(It is better to use this event from instead of bot directly) Fires for a specific point. Both oldBlock and newBlock provided for comparison.

Note that oldBlock may be null.

"blockPlaced" (oldBlock, newBlock)

Fires when bot places block. Both oldBlock and newBlock provided for comparison.

Note that oldBlock may be null.

"chunkColumnLoad" (point)

"chunkColumnUnload" (point)

Fires when a chunk has updated. point is the coordinates to the corner of the chunk with the smallest x, y, and z values.

"soundEffectHeard" (soundName, position, volume, pitch)

Fires when the client hears a named sound effect.

  • soundName: name of the sound effect
  • position: a Vec3 instance where the sound originates
  • volume: floating point volume, 1.0 is 100%
  • pitch: integer pitch, 63 is 100%

"hardcodedSoundEffectHeard" (soundId, soundCategory, position, volume, pitch)

Fires when the client hears a hardcoded sound effect.

  • soundId: id of the sound effect
  • soundCategory: category of the sound effect
  • position: a Vec3 instance where the sound originates
  • volume: floating point volume, 1.0 is 100%
  • pitch: integer pitch, 63 is 100%

"noteHeard" (block, instrument, pitch)

Fires when a note block goes off somewhere.

  • block: a Block instance, the block that emitted the noise
  • instrument:
    • id: integer id
    • name: one of [harp, doubleBass, snareDrum, sticks, bassDrum].
  • pitch: The pitch of the note (between 0-24 inclusive where 0 is the lowest and 24 is the highest). More information about how the pitch values correspond to notes in real life are available on the official Minecraft wiki (opens in a new tab).

"pistonMove" (block, isPulling, direction)

"chestLidMove" (block, isOpen, block2)

  • block: a Block instance, the block whose lid opened. The right block if it's a double chest
  • isOpen: number of players that have the chest open. 0 if it's closed
  • block2: a Block instance, the other half of the block whose lid opened. null if it's not a double chest

"blockBreakProgressObserved" (block, destroyStage, entity)

Fires when the client observes a block in the process of being broken.

  • block: a Block instance, the block being broken
  • destroyStage: integer corresponding to the destroy progress (0-9)
  • entity: the entity which is breaking the block.

"blockBreakProgressEnd" (block, entity)

Fires when the client observes a block stops being broken. This occurs whether the process was completed or aborted.

  • block: a Block instance, the block no longer being broken
  • entity: the entity which has stopped breaking the block

"diggingCompleted" (block)

  • block - the block that no longer exists

"diggingAborted" (block)

  • block - the block that still exists


Fires when the bot uses a firework while elytra flying.


Fires when the bot moves. If you want the current position, use bot.entity.position and for normal moves if you want the previous position, use bot.entity.position.minus(bot.entity.velocity).


Fires when the bot is force moved by the server (teleport, spawning, ...). If you want the current position, use bot.entity.position.


Fires when you mount an entity such as a minecart. To get access to the entity, use bot.vehicle.

To mount an entity, use mount.

"dismount" (vehicle)

Fires when you dismount from an entity.

"windowOpen" (window)

Fires when you begin using a workbench, chest, brewing stand, etc.

"windowClose" (window)

Fires when you may no longer work with a workbench, chest, etc.


Fires when you sleep.


Fires when you wake up.


Fires when bot.experience.* has updated.

"scoreboardCreated" (scoreboard)

Fires when a scoreboard is added.

"scoreboardDeleted" (scoreboard)

Fires when a scoreboard is deleted.

"scoreboardTitleChanged" (scoreboard)

Fires when a scoreboard's title is updated.

"scoreUpdated" (scoreboard, item)

Fires when the score of a item in a scoreboard is updated.

"scoreRemoved" (scoreboard, item)

Fires when the score of a item in a scoreboard is removed.

"scoreboardPosition" (position, scoreboard)

Fires when the position of a scoreboard is updated.

"teamCreated" (team)

Fires when a team is added.

"teamRemoved" (team)

Fires when a team is removed.

"teamUpdated" (team)

Fires when a team is updated.

"teamMemberAdded" (team)

Fires when a team member or multiple members are added to a team.

"teamMemberRemoved" (team)

Fires when a team member or multiple members are removed from a team.

"bossBarCreated" (bossBar)

Fires when new boss bar is created.

"bossBarDeleted" (bossBar)

Fires when new boss bar is deleted.

"bossBarUpdated" (bossBar)

Fires when new boss bar is updated.

"heldItemChanged" (heldItem)

Fires when the held item is changed.

"physicsTick" ()

Fires every tick if bot.physicsEnabled is set to true.

"chat:name" (matches)

Fires when the all of a chat pattern's regexs have matches


Fires when a particle is created


bot.blockAt(point, extraInfos=true)

Returns the block at point or null if that point is not loaded. If extraInfos set to true, also returns informations about signs, paintings and block entities (slower). See Block.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when many chunks have loaded.

bot.blockInSight(maxSteps, vectorLength)

Deprecated, use blockAtCursor instead.

Returns the block at which bot is looking at or null

  • maxSteps - Number of steps to raytrace, defaults to 256.
  • vectorLength - Length of raytracing vector, defaults to 5/16.


Returns the block at which bot is looking at or null

  • maxDistance - The maximum distance the block can be from the eye, defaults to 256.


Returns the entity at which bot is looking at or null

  • maxDistance - The maximum distance the entity can be from the eye, defaults to 3.5.

bot.blockAtEntityCursor(entity=bot.entity, maxDistance=256)

Returns the block at which specific entity is looking at or null

  • entity - Entity data as Object
  • maxDistance - The maximum distance the block can be from the eye, defaults to 256.


Returns true or false depending on whether the bot can see the specified block.


Finds the closest blocks from the given point.

  • options - Options for the search:
    • point - The start position of the search (center). Default is the bot position.
    • matching - A function that returns true if the given block is a match. Also supports this value being a block id or array of block ids.
    • useExtraInfo - To preserve backward compatibility can result in two behavior depending on the type
      • boolean - Provide your matching function more data - noticeably slower aproach
      • function - Creates two stage maching, if block passes matching function it is passed further to useExtraInfo with additional info
    • maxDistance - The furthest distance for the search, defaults to 16.
    • count - Number of blocks to find before returning the search. Default to 1. Can return less if not enough blocks are found exploring the whole area.

Returns an array (possibly empty) with the found block coordinates (not the blocks). The array is sorted (closest first)


Alias for bot.blockAt(bot.findBlocks(options)[0]). Return a single block or null.


Returns whether block is diggable and within range.

bot.recipesFor(itemType, metadata, minResultCount, craftingTable)

Returns a list of Recipe instances that you could use to craft itemType with metadata.

  • itemType - numerical item id of the thing you want to craft
  • metadata - the numerical metadata value of the item you want to craft null matches any metadata.
  • minResultCount - based on your current inventory, any recipe from the returned list will be able to produce this many items. null is an alias for 1.
  • craftingTable - a Block instance. If null, only recipes that can be performed in your inventory window will be included in the list.

bot.recipesAll(itemType, metadata, craftingTable)

The same as bot.recipesFor except that it does not check wether the bot has enough materials for the recipe.

bot.nearestEntity(match = (entity) =>)

Return the nearest entity to the bot, matching the function (default to all entities). Return null if no entity is found.


const cow = bot.nearestEntity(entity => === 'cow') // we use .toLowercase() because in 1.8 cow was capitalized, for newer versions that can be ommitted



End the connection with the server.

  • reason - Optional string that states the reason of the end.


Gracefully disconnect from the server with the given reason (defaults to 'disconnect.quitting').

bot.tabComplete(str, [assumeCommand], [sendBlockInSight])

This function returns a Promise, with matches as its argument upon completion.

Requests chat completion from the server.

  • str - String to complete.
  • assumeCommand - Field sent to server, defaults to false.
  • sendBlockInSight - Field sent to server, defaults to true. Set this option to false if you want more performance.

Sends a publicly broadcast chat message. Breaks up big messages into multiple chat messages as necessary.

bot.whisper(username, message)

Shortcut for "/tell <username>". All split messages will be whispered to username.

bot.chatAddPattern(pattern, chatType, description)

Deprecated, use addChatPattern instead.

Adds a regex pattern to the bot's chat matching. Useful for bukkit servers where the chat format changes a lot.

  • pattern - regular expression to match chat
  • chatType - the event the bot emits when the pattern matches. Eg: "chat" or "whisper"
  • 'description ' - Optional, describes what the pattern is for

bot.addChatPattern(name, pattern, chatPatternOptions)

** this is an alias of bot.addChatPatternSet(name, [pattern], chatPatternOptions)

make an event that is called every time the pattern is matched to a message, the event will be called "chat:name", with name being the name passed

  • name - the name used to listen for the event
  • pattern - regular expression to match to messages recieved
  • chatPatternOptions - object
    • repeat - defaults to true, whether to listen for this event after the first match
    • parse - instead of returning the actual message that was matched, return the capture groups from the regex
    • deprecated - (unstable) used by bot.chatAddPattern to keep compatability, likely to be removed

returns a number which can be used with bot.removeChatPattern() to only delete this pattern

bot.addChatPatternSet(name, patterns, chatPatternOptions)

make an event that is called every time all patterns havee been matched to messages, the event will be called "chat:name", with name being the name passed

  • name - the name used to listen for the event
  • patterns - array of regular expression to match to messages recieved
  • chatPatternOptions - object
    • repeat - defaults to true, whether to listen for this event after the first match
    • parse - instead of returning the actual message that was matched, return the capture groups from the regex

returns a number which can be used with bot.removeChatPattern() to only delete this patternset


removes a chat pattern(s)

  • name : string or number

if name is a string, all patterns that have that name will be removed else if name is a number, only that exact pattern will be removed


promise that is resolved when one of the messages passed as an arg is resolved


async function wait () {
  await bot.awaitMessage('<flatbot> hello world') // resolves on "hello world" in chat by flatbot
  await bot.awaitMessage(['<flatbot> hello', '<flatbot> world']) // resolves on "hello" or "world" in chat by flatbot
  await bot.awaitMessage(['<flatbot> hello', '<flatbot> world'], ['<flatbot> im', '<flatbot> batman']) // resolves on "hello" or "world" or "im" or "batman" in chat by flatbot
  await bot.awaitMessage('<flatbot> hello', '<flatbot> world') // resolves on "hello" or "world" in chat by flatbot
  await bot.awaitMessage(/<flatbot> (.+)/) // resolves on first message matching the regex


See the bot.settings property.


Injects a Plugin. Does nothing if the plugin is already loaded.

  • plugin - function
function somePlugin (bot, options) {
  function someFunction () {'Yay!')
  bot.myPlugin = {} // Good practice to namespace plugin API
  bot.myPlugin.someFunction = someFunction
const bot = lodestone.createBot({})
bot.once('login', function () {
  bot.myPlugin.someFunction() // Yay!


Injects plugins see bot.loadPlugin.

  • plugins - array of functions


Checks if the given plugin is loaded (or scheduled to be loaded) on this bot.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Sleep in a bed. bedBlock should be a Block instance which is a bed.


Return true if bedBlock is a bed


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Get out of bed.

bot.setControlState(control, state)

This is the main method controlling the bot movements. It works similarly to pressing keys in minecraft. For example forward with state true will make the bot move forward. Forward with state false will make the bot stop moving forward. You may use bot.lookAt in conjunction with this to control movement. The jumper.js example shows how to use this.

  • control - one of ['forward', 'back', 'left', 'right', 'jump', 'sprint', 'sneak']
  • state - true or false


Returns true if a control state is toggled.

  • control - one of ['forward', 'back', 'left', 'right', 'jump', 'sprint', 'sneak']


Sets all controls to off.

bot.getExplosionDamages(entity, position, radius, [rawDamages])

Returns how much damage will be done to the entity in a radius around the position of the explosion. It will return null if the entity has no armor and rawDamages is not set to true, since the function can't calculate the damage with armor if there is no armor.

  • entity - Entity instance
  • position - Vec3 (opens in a new tab) instance
  • radius - the explosion radius as a number
  • rawDamages - optional, if true it ignores armor in the calculation

bot.lookAt(point, [force])

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when you are looking at point.

  • point Vec3 (opens in a new tab) instance - tilts your head so that it is directly facing this point.
  • force - See force in bot.look

bot.look(yaw, pitch, [force])

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument called when you are looking at yaw and pitch.

Set the direction your head is facing.

  • yaw - The number of radians to rotate around the vertical axis, starting from due east. Counter clockwise.
  • pitch - Number of radians to point up or down. 0 means straight forward. pi / 2 means straight up. -pi / 2 means straight down.
  • force - If present and true, skips the smooth server-side transition. Specify this to true if you need the server to know exactly where you are looking, such as for dropping items or shooting arrows. This is not needed for client-side calculation such as walking direction.

bot.updateSign(block, text, back = false)

Changes the text on the sign. On Minecraft 1.20 and newer, a truthy back will try setting the text on the back of a sign (only visible if not attached to a wall).

bot.equip(item, destination)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when you have successfully equipped the item or when you learn that you have failed to equip the item.

Equips an item from your inventory. If the argument item is of Instance Item equip will equip this specific item from its window slot. If the argument item is of type number equip will equip the first item found with that id searched by rising slot id (Hotbar is searched last. Armor, crafting, crafting result and off-hand slots are excluded).

  • item - Item instance or number for item id. See window.items().
  • destination
    • "hand" - null aliases to this
    • "head"
    • "torso"
    • "legs"
    • "feet"
    • "off-hand" - when available


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Remove an article of equipment.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when tossing is done.

  • item - the stack of items you wish to toss truthy, you were not able to complete the toss.

bot.toss(itemType, metadata, count)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument once tossing is complete.

  • itemType - numerical id of the item you wish to toss
  • metadata - metadata of the item you wish to toss. Use null to match any metadata
  • count - how many you want to toss. null is an alias for 1.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument once activating elytra flight is complete. It will throw an Error if it fails.

bot.dig(block, [forceLook = true], [digFace])

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when the block is broken or you are interrupted.

Begin digging into block with the currently equipped item. See also "diggingCompleted" and "diggingAborted" events.

Note that once you begin digging into a block, you may not dig any other blocks until the block has been broken, or you call bot.stopDigging().

  • block - the block to start digging into
  • forceLook - (optional) if true, look at the block and start mining instantly. If false, the bot will slowly turn to the block to mine. Additionally, this can be assigned to 'ignore' to prevent the bot from moving it's head at all. Also, this can be assigned to 'raycast' to raycast from the bots head to place where the bot is looking.
  • digFace - (optional) Default is 'auto' looks at the center of the block and mines the top face. Can also be a vec3 vector of the face the bot should be looking at when digging the block. For example: vec3(0, 1, 0) when mining the top. Can also be 'raycast' raycast checks if there is a face visible by the bot and mines that face. Useful for servers with anti cheat.

If you call bot.dig twice before the first dig is finished, you will get a fatal 'diggingAborted' error.



Tells you how long it will take to dig the block, in milliseconds.


Accepts resource pack.


Denies resource pack.

bot.placeBlock(referenceBlock, faceVector)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when the server confirms that the block has indeed been placed.

  • referenceBlock - the block you want to place a new block next to
  • faceVector - one of the six cardinal directions, such as new Vec3(0, 1, 0) for the top face, indicating which face of the referenceBlock to place the block against.

The new block will be placed at

bot.placeEntity(referenceBlock, faceVector)

This function returns a Promise, with Entity as its argument upon completion.

  • referenceBlock - the block you want to place the entity next to
  • faceVector - one of the six cardinal directions, such as new Vec3(0, 1, 0) for the top face, indicating which face of the referenceBlock to place the block against.

The new block will be placed at

bot.activateBlock(block, direction?: Vec3, cursorPos?: Vec3)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Punch a note block, open a door, etc.

  • block - the block to activate
  • direction Optional defaults to new Vec3(0, 1, 0) (up). A vector off the direction the container block should be interacted with. Does nothing when a container entity is targeted.
  • cursorPos Optional defaults to new Vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) (block center). The curos position when opening the block instance. This is send with the activate block packet. Does nothing when a container entity is targeted.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Activate an entity, useful for villager for example.

  • entity - the entity to activate

bot.activateEntityAt(entity, position)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Activate an entity at the given position, useful for armor stands.

  • entity - the entity to activate
  • position - the world position to click at


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when consume ends.

Eat / drink currently held item

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when fishing ends.

Use fishing rod


Activates the currently held item. This is how you eat, shoot bows, throw an egg, activate firework rockets, etc.

Optional parameter is false for main hand and true for off hand.


Deactivates the currently held item. This is how you release an arrow, stop eating, etc.


Use the currently held item on an Entity instance. This is how you apply a saddle and use shears.

bot.attack(entity, swing = true)

Attack a player or a mob.

  • entity is a type of entity. To get a specific entity use bot.nearestEntity() or bot.entities.
  • swing Default to true. If false the bot does not swing its arm when attacking.

bot.swingArm([hand], showHand)

Play an arm swing animation.

  • hand can take left or right which is the arm that is animated. Default: right
  • showHand is a boolean whether to add the hand to the packet, Default: true


Mount a vehicle. To get back out, use bot.dismount.


Dismounts from the vehicle you are in.


Moves the vehicle :

  • left can take -1 or 1 : -1 means right, 1 means left
  • forward can take -1 or 1 : -1 means backward, 1 means forward

All the direction are relative to where the bot is looking at


  • slot - 0-8 the quick bar slot to select.

bot.craft(recipe, count, craftingTable)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when the crafting is complete and your inventory is updated.

  • recipe - A Recipe instance. See bot.recipesFor.
  • count - How many times you wish to perform the operation. If you want to craft planks into 8 sticks, you would set count to 2. null is an alias for 1.
  • craftingTable - A Block instance, the crafting table you wish to use. If the recipe does not require a crafting table, you may use null for this argument.

bot.writeBook(slot, pages)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when the writing was successfully or an error occurred.

  • slot is in inventory window coordinates (where 36 is the first quickbar slot, etc.).
  • pages is an array of strings represents the pages.

bot.openContainer(containerBlock or containerEntity, direction?, cursorPos?)

Opens a block container or entity.

  • containerBlock or containerEntity The block instance to open or the entity to open.
  • direction Optional defaults to new Vec3(0, 1, 0) (up). A vector off the direction the container block should be interacted with. Does nothing when a container entity is targeted.
  • cursorPos Optional defaults to new Vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) (block center). The curos position when opening the block instance. This is send with the activate block packet. Does nothing when a container entity is targeted.

Returns a promise on a Container instance which represents the container you are opening.

bot.openChest(chestBlock or minecartchestEntity, direction?, cursorPos?)

Deprecated. Same as openContainer


Returns a promise on a Furnace instance which represents the furnace you are opening.


Deprecated. Same as openContainer


Returns a promise on an EnchantmentTable instance which represents the enchantment table you are opening.


Returns a promise on an anvil instance which represents the anvil you are opening.


Returns a promise on a Villager instance which represents the trading window you are opening. You can listen to the ready event on this Villager to know when it's ready, tradeIndex, [times])

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Uses the open villagerInstance to trade.

bot.setCommandBlock(pos, command, [options])

Set a command block's properties at pos. Example options argument:

  mode: 2,
  trackOutput: true,
  conditional: false,
  alwaysActive: true

options.mode can have 3 values: 0 (SEQUENCE), 1 (AUTO), 2 (REDSTONE) All options attributes are false by default, except mode which is 2 (as to replicate the default command block in Minecraft).


This can be used to check is a specific feature is available in the current Minecraft version. This is usually only required for handling version-specific functionality.

The list of available features can be found inside the ./lib/features.json (opens in a new tab) file.


This is a promise-based function that waits for a given number of in-game ticks to pass before continuing. This is useful for quick timers that need to function with specific timing, regardless of the given physics tick speed of the bot. This is similar to the standard Javascript setTimeout function, but runs on the physics timer of the bot specifically.

Lower level inventory methods

These are lower level methods for the inventory, they can be useful sometimes but prefer the inventory methods presented above if you can.

bot.clickWindow(slot, mouseButton, mode)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

The only valid mode option at the moment is 0. Shift clicking or mouse dragging is not implemented.

Click on the current window. See details at (opens in a new tab)

Prefer using bot.simpleClick.*

bot.putSelectedItemRange(start, end, window, slot)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Put the item at slot in the specified range.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Put the item at slot in the inventory.


Close the window.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Transfer some kind of item from one range to an other. options is an object containing :

  • window : Optional. the window where the item will be moved
  • itemType : the type of the moved items
  • metadata : Optional. the metadata of the moved items
  • sourceStart and sourceEnd : the source range. sourceEnd is optional and will default to sourceStart + 1
  • destStart and destEnd : the dest Range. destEnd is optional and will default to destStart + 1
  • count : the amount of items to transfer. Default: 1
  • nbt : nbt data of the item to transfer. Default: nullish (ignores nbt)

bot.openBlock(block, direction?: Vec3, cursorPos?: Vec3)

Open a block, for example a chest, returns a promise on the opening Window.

  • block is the block the bot will open.
  • direction Optional defaults to new Vec3(0, 1, 0) (up). A vector off the direction the container block should be interacted with. Does nothing when a container entity is targeted.
  • cursorPos Optional defaults to new Vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) (block center). The curos position when opening the block instance. This is send with the activate block packet. Does nothing when a container entity is targeted.


Open an entity with an inventory, for example a villager, returns a promise on the opening Window.

  • entity is the entity the bot will open

bot.moveSlotItem(sourceSlot, destSlot)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument upon completion.

Move an item from sourceSlot to destSlot in the current window.


Update bot.heldItem.


Gets the inventory equipment slot id for the given equipment destination name.

Available destinations are:

  • head
  • torso
  • legs
  • feet
  • hand
  • off-hand


This collection of apis is useful in creative mode. Detecting and changing gamemodes is not implemented here, but it is assumed and often required that the bot be in creative mode for these features to work.

bot.creative.setInventorySlot(slot, item)

This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when gets fired when the server sets the slot.

Gives the bot the specified item in the specified inventory slot.

  • slot is in inventory window coordinates (where 36 is the first quickbar slot, etc.).
  • item is a prismarine-item (opens in a new tab) instance specified with arbitrary metadata, nbtdata, etc. If item is null, the item at the specified slot is deleted.

If this method changes anything, you can be notified via bot.inventory.on("updateSlot").


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when gets fired when the server clears the slot.

Makes the sets the item in the slot given to null.

  • slot is in inventory window coordinates (where 36 is the first quickbar slot, etc.).


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when gets fired when the server clears the slot.


This function returns a Promise, with void as its argument when the bot arrives at the destination.

Calls startFlying() and moves at a constant speed through 3d space in a straight line to the destination. destination is a Vec3, and often the x and z coordinates will end with .5. This operation will not work if there is an obstacle in the way, so it is advised to fly very short distances at a time.

This method does not attempt any path finding. It is expected that a path finding implementation will use this method to move < 2 blocks at a time.

To resume normal physics, call stopFlying().


Sets bot.physics.gravity to 0. To resume normal physics, call stopFlying().

This method is useful if you want to hover while digging the ground below you. It is not necessary to call this function before calling flyTo().

Note that while flying, bot.entity.velocity will not be accurate.


Restores bot.physics.gravity to it's original value.